Regular Church Services
Our church services have a three directional design. First and foremost, it gives us opportunity to lift our hearts up to the Lord as we praise and worship Him: He is worthy of all praise. Secondly, our service times gives the Lord the opportunity to speak to the church body. The services teach us God's will for our lives through the preaching of His Word and the singing of hymns and spiritual songs. Thirdly, the services also give each individual opportunity to serve the Lord by serving others.
Every one should enter into the house of God expecting to offer sacrifices to the Lord, receive instruction from the Lord, and minister unto the Lord.
Please visit our Service Times / Location page on this site for times of services. We look forward to seeing you and your family soon.
Special Church Services
Throughout the year, there are special church services that will be scheduled to help your family to grow in His grace. These special meetings consist of Revival Meetings, teen revival meetings, Missions Conferences, etc.
Please keep an eye on our calendar page, located on this site, for any upcoming events. You may even contact us to be put on our mailing and emailing list.
Sunday School Classes
Our Sunday School assembly begins at 10:00 a.m. every Sunday morning. During the general assembly, we sing a couple of hymns or spiritual songs unto the Lord, make some general announcements; then we dismiss into smaller age groups. In the individaul classes, you will hear a Bible lesson that will build your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jr. Church
During our regular elevan o'clock services on Sunday mornings, families have the option for their children to either stay with them in the main service or go to our Children's Church Service. Our Jr. Church is designed for children in the age span of 1st through 6th grades. The Lord has blessed us with loving and compentent works who will help your children grow in the Lord.
Lighthouse Kid's Club
Our Lighthouse Kid's Club meets at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday nights. This class is for children who are in 1st through 6th grades. The class lasts about an hour. during that time, the Teacher will teach a Bible lesson, teach spiritual songs to the children, teach them life lessons that will help each child live for the Lord. Each child will have a devotional work book to take home with them so they can study the Bible throughout the week.
While your children are in Lighthouse Kids Club, the rest of the church will be in the main auditorium for our regularly scheduled church service.
Outreach Ministries
In obedience to the great commission given to us by our Lord, we have church-wide soul winning times schedule every week. During this time, we go from house to house sharing the gospel throughout the neighborhoods in our city. We often go to the highways and hedges of our streets proclaiming the good news of salvation to all.
We also have a time of weekly visitation. This is a time when we visit individual families at their home for the purpose of meeting a specific spiritual need of the family. We would love to help your family grow in the Lord. If you would like a visit from our pastor, please visit our Contact Us page on this site and reach out to us. We will certainly get back with you and schedule a time to visit with you.
Bus Ministry
Weather permitting, every Sunday the Church bus rolls. God has blessed us with the means of transporting boys and girls, and their families, to our Sunday morning church services, and drop you back off at your door step when church is over. If you would like the bus to pick your family up, please visit our Contact Us page of this site and request a pick up.
Teen Ministries
Teenagers are in a special place in their life; they want to do right in serving the Lord, but they need the guidance and encouragement to do so. At Fellowship Baptist Church our teenages are encouraged to serve the Lord faithfully. We have regular teen activities to build good Christian relationships with other teens. They are encouraged to participate in various ministry opportunities, one of which is our annual Vacation Bible School where they will be guided in ministering to children. We also take our teenagers to camp every summer for a week of fun and spiritual nurishment.
We would love the opportunity to help you nurture your teenagers into the young men and ladies God intends for them to become.
Special Groups Ministries
Throughout the year, we have special groups that will meet together: Ladies meetings, Men's meetings, Workers Meeting, etc. These groups are available to those who desire a stronger more intimate relationship with the Lord. During these meetings, there will be a time to study God's Word together, fellowship with other believers, and be encouraged as you serve the Lord.
We would encourage you to keep an eye on our calendar page of this site for times and details.
World-Wide Ministries: Missions
The Bible teaches us to take the gospel to every person around the world. Not only are we responsible to take the gospel to the neighbors who live in our own city, but to lengthen our outreach core to reagions beyond our church. Sending missionaries around the world is God's ordain pattern to accomplish this outreaching arm of His church. Every year, we host a Mission's Conference where you can be a part of sending missionaries to various places and people groups around the world. We also take a yearly mission's trip to visit one of our missionaries: ministering with them, encouraging them, allowing the Lord to use you to spread His glorious gospel in lands around the globe.
We also have a mission's outreach project called, Seeding New England. This mission's outreach is to help churches in the New England corridor of our country spread the gospel of Christ in their city. In the fall of each year, we spend about two weeks telling others in New England of God's love toward them through Christ Jesus.